Sugar tax – is sugar bad?

Sugar tax – is sugar bad?

Sugar tax article says great things will happen…. or does it? Sugar tax has been in the news for what seems a long long time. Previously sugar was just the food type that we knew wasn’t the best thing to eat mainly because of tooth decay. The NHS choices...
What diet is best for you?

What diet is best for you?

What diet is best for you? To check what diet is best for you the BBC have a quick test available. So which diet is best? Firstly please fill in the form completely and honestly. No-one is watching you so there’s no need to paint a better food picture than is...

Obesity post mortem

Post mortem on obesity helps show dangers of excess weight Being overweight isn’t all that bad is it? It’s really just a way of classing people different, body shaming, dictating what you should look like? This insightful programme by the BBC shows the...