
So let’s tackle obesity related cancer risk now!

Obesity increases cancer risk so says the article on the Cancer Research UK website We at Waistaway are fully behind this article. We are always trying to help people lose their excess weight and maintain their weight afterwards using a dynamic approach to dieting. 

New obesity figures for England show growing problem

There are often conflicting reports as to the extent of our increasing obesity levels in the UK. Obesity levels are an issue, taking its toll on our NHS and causing some severe medical conditions, especially cancer and type 2 diabetes.

We are all affected by cancer, whether directly or indirectly, and so whatever we can do as responsible individuals will help not only our health but may help save the NHS

Obesity corresponding to having a BMI (Body mass index) higher then 30, or even just being overweight which is having a BMI of 25 to 30, increases your risk of getting 13 types of cancer. The cancers involved range from breast cancer and bowel cancer, to liver cancer and ovarian cancer. Whatever we as individuals can do to prevent this disease must be applauded, and losing excess weight is up there with stopping smoking.  

This short Cancer Research UK article explains this very well so please follow the link below to read it in full.

Click here to read The Cancer Research UK article on obesity

Alison Cox, director of cancer prevention at Cancer Research UK, said that rising bodyweight is “putting the NHS under enormous strain and the health of the nation at risk”.

We need, as a country, to take obesity seriously and have a joined up method of tackling the rising levels of excess weight. Currently we seem to be doing no more than telling people to eat less and looking at taxing sugars. Obesity is the second largest preventable cause of cancer after smoking. Obesity deserves to be tackled in a more robust manner in line with the current methods and wealth of help afforded to smokers.

The article went on to say; The Government recently revealed details of its long-awaited sugary drinks tax. If accepted by MPs, the tax could become law by April 2018.