
Snoring Problem?

Do you wake up knowing you’ve been snoring?
We can help you.

Snoring is far from benign

Whether you are contacting us for your own snoring problem or on behalf of your partner, you WILL be taking the right initial step.

You can also call our team on 0333 230 9204 or use our contact form.

We are always looking to be at the forefront of weight management and obesity-related healthcare.

To this end, Waistaway’s expertise now extends to having a Sleep -Trained Pharmacist.

Training was delivered and certificated by: Snorer Pharmacy

Snorer pharmacy certificate - snoring & sleep apnoea screening

Now do the Online Snoring Test from Snorer Pharmacy®:

Q1: Are you Male or Female?

Q2: I’ve been told that I snore

Q3: I’ve been told that I stop breathing while I sleep, although I don’t remember this when I wake up

Q4: I have high blood pressure

Q5: My friends and family say they have noticed changes in my personality

Q6: I am gaining weight

Q7: I sweat excessively during the night

Q8: I have noticed my heart pounding or beating irregularly during the night

Q9: I get morning headaches

Q10: I have trouble sleeping when I have a cold

Q11: I suddenly wake up gasping for breath during the night

Q12: I am overweight

Q13: I seem to be losing my sex drive

Q14: I feel sleepy during the day even though I have slept through the night

Calculating your score..

Your Score:

Your snoring test result indicates you should consult a sleep-trained pharmacist or your GP to be:

  • Screened for sleep apnoea (OSA)
  • Signposted to the most appropriate treatment for you (with a review of your medical history)
  • Get help addressing the underlying reasons why you snore

If you scored 7 or more you show symptoms of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), a life-threatening disorder that causes you to stop breathing repeatedly – often several hundred times per night – during your sleep.

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We use the Snorer.me Signposting™ software from Snorer Pharmacy® which is a UKCA marked Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS).

By utilising their industry recognised pre-treatment screening tools we can help you not only gain more knowledge about snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnoea (OSA), but also signpost you to the following where appropriate:

Our Pharmacist – after using and interpreting the initial assessment with you (and preferably your partner) they can offer the most appropriate lifestyle advice, including weight management using one of our safe and effective weight management plans (Sure or Flex plan).

  • Our Pharmacist – can help you further investigate your snoring issue with Home Sleep Apnoea Test (HSAT). The outcome of which may be a referral to your GP and/or local Sleep Clinic (where available).
  • Sleep Trained Dentist – we can refer you to a trained dentist who can assess you for a Mandibular Repositioning Device (MRD)
  • Your GP – for further investigating and managing of existing medical conditions related to your snoring, for referral to a local Sleep Clinic or for other issues needing more than the above intervention(s).


How to book your online snoring consultation:

  1. Select a date, then choose a time that suits you (scroll for PM appointments)
  2. Enter your name and email address
  3. Securely pay for your consultation (£45)
  4. Receive an email with your meeting link & password

Snorer Pharmacy® and the Snorer Pharmacy logo are registered trademarks of Snorer.com Ltd. Used with permission.